Monday, February 13, 2012

Christmas, a Pen Pal, and Where I'm At Today

Christmas always gets me going on a crafty kick. I'm lucky: a lot of my friends and family appreciate the things I make and so I always have the opportunity to not only save myself some money, but enjoy the season by doing something I love and a lot of it! I'm still kind of rolling on that kick. I've been making journals out of some of the paper I've come across (and there's plenty of it that I've collected over the years) designing business cards for a family member, and even drawing a bit. A friend of mine from college has also needed an excuse to keep up on her skills and so we've taken to writing each other. I've really enjoyed having the excuse to do these things. I designed stickers that looked like cakes and chocolates to put on a card. I've drawn us at Halloween. I've made time for it again.

It's hard to pinpoint where this change of heart is stemming from. Having a pen pal definitely helps because I'm getting feedback and art for myself in return. But there's something deeper changing. I was looking for running quotes and I found one that I can't remember exactly but goes something along the lines of "we would be surprised what we're capable of" and I just had to pause. That quote is completely me. If I don't HAVE to do something, I'm notorious for not doing it. But every Christmas, who cranks out 10-20 handmade gifts the week prior? Me. If I've made a personal promise who makes sure it's done and done right? Me. I surprise myself all the time because when I'm in the zone and I've already started, I'm unstoppable. I ran 2 miles for the first time last week. Today I did it again. I'm surprising myself all over the place because so many things I've denied myself because I thought I wasn't good enough, are working out. I'm the happiest I've been in ages. Things aren't perfect, but I'm doing something every day to make it better. To enjoy it. I hope you are, too. I know you can do it.

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