Sunday, June 24, 2012

Updates, updates, updates: What I Finished, What I'm Doing Now

 Months ago I posted about having my first freelance assignment: my aunt asked me to design a business card to send along with all of the blankets she crochets. The final result is above. She really wanted blue and yellow as her color scheme and I think the simplicity of it really works. The font at the top is fun and the important information is legible. I enjoyed this project because it was a small scale. In the past, I worked pretty large. Two of my final pieces in my BFA show were 8 feet tall and the rest were usually between 3 and 4 feet in at least one direction. This was small and had a purpose so I had to consider the hierarchy of the elements I used, placement, etc. This version is more standard, but works with the intention and purpose of the card. My favorite:

I think this one is more dynamic, but didn't have the color scheme. I loved playing with the yarn and the lyrical quality it had, but I think my aunt was worried about the legibility of her name and I agree with her. It seems legible to me because I made it and know what it should say, but I can totally see how someone else might have a hard time with it. The design on the top won her over and she was very happy with how they came out.

As of now, it's crunch time for my Otakon cosplay. This year I'll be doing two outfits: my costume from Halloween (I was Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time) and Nia Teppelin from Tengen Toppa Gurren Legann.

Nia Teppelin

Nia has been a tough little cosplay, mostly because with working and planning and finishing certification, I haven't had time to devote to it and creating the pieces simply takes time. I bought the gems for the jewelry from a pretty awesome site if you plan on buying a decent amount of gems (I think the minimum order is $25-$30) and will be using those with craft foam to make Nia's pieces in all her princess-ly glory. The craft foam made me a little worried, but I used this tutorial: and they know what they're talking about. I'm only at the sealing part and I'm already sold. I never thought a sheet of craft foam that cost about a dollar and some plastic gems could look like real jewelry but it does. Gaudy, but that's on the character designers of the show.

I have her wig (that I feel gorgeous in!) which just needs the bangs styled, the shoes which need white straps and gems, the hairpiece needs to be made, and the real kicker: the dress. The seamstress I wrote about earlier is willing to meet up with me, but I feel the only hard part about this dress won't be making it (like Princess Bubblegum with her puff sleeves and peter pan collar) but will be making the pattern. I don't know where to start. Luckily she's willing to help me again! Otakon is in just over a month, so hopefully everything turns out in time.

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